Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Keeping Up With Global Change

For the last three years HC teachers have been researching and discussing what it means to prepare students to live and work in the 21st century. The following recently produced video clips summarise some of those changes quite well.

The changing way we use technology.

The change from a network of machines to communities of people...

(Click once to activate window and then once to play.)

The changes due to globalisation.

(from a USA point of view)

This video was watched an estimated 2 million times in the last four weeks - many viewers were educators from around the globe.

The Changed Global Demography

Watch video

One of the most dynamic presentations on global statistics that you are likely to see. (Google has recently bought the software Trendalyzer used in this presentation.)

Year 11/12 teachers around the State - in both Government and non-Government schools - are currently examining the impact of these changes on the curriculum.

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